Cambridge UCU Gender Pay Gap Claim

We have submitted an official Gender Pay Gap (GPG) Claim to University HR, which asks the University to take meaningful action on closing the GPG.

The E&D working group has been working hard to analyse the factors contributing to the GPG at the University of Cambridge, which stood at a mean GPG of 19.6% in 2017 (the HE sector average is around 12%).

The VC has repeatedly stated that the University is committed to closing the GPG “as quickly as possible”. Yet progress in narrowing the GPG has been slow. Over the next few months we will be pressing the University to commit to concrete targets and meaningful actions.

Meaningful action on GPG is an important element of the current Pay and Equality dispute, which members are being balloted on. We need to be, and are, pushing for change on national and local levels to make progress on this issue!

Gender Pay Claim

Download our claim.