Joint statement J4CS and the Colleges, University and Office for Intercollegiate Services 11/4

On Thursday 11 April, representatives of the Cambridge UCU Justice for College Supervisors (J4CS) campaign met with representatives of the Colleges, University, and the Office of Intercollegiate Services (OIS).

Present at that meeting:
Cambridge UCU: Emily Sandford (UCU Casualisation Rep), Ali Suriel (PhD candidate), Matthew Lloyd Roberts (UCU Postgraduate Rep), Lydia Richards (UCU regional official).
Colleges, University and OIS: Richard Anthony (Chair, Bursars’ Committee), Judith Bunbury (Associate Secretary, Senior Tutors’ Committee), Malcolm Millbrook (Deputy Head of OIS).

In this meeting, attendees discussed the report based on the findings of the Undergraduate Supervisor Workload Survey, which is due to be published soon (the report was published on 22 April). Both sides have reviewed the data and are satisfied that the report represents it accurately and fairly. Both sides are also encouraged by the high number of responses to the survey (35% of recipients completed at least part of the survey), which provide material evidence of what was previously mostly anecdotal evidence; and believe that the report will be very useful for the Teaching Review and for the wider University for a long time. Cambridge UCU, the OIS, the Colleges and the University would like to formally thank Malcolm Millbrook for his effort in drafting the report.

Further, attendees exchanged views on the factors that are required to make up a new pay structure for supervisors, with both sides coming closer together towards a compromise position. Due to the need to consult meaningfully with respective parties ahead of the next meeting, this meeting was subsequently postponed to 9 May.