How do we win a better deal for Cambridge researchers? Open meeting 24 March

Cambridge UCU researchers invite researchers at the University of Cambridge to join us for an open online ‘town hall’ event to discuss why the current disputes over pay, equality and pensions matter to research staff. What are the problems YOU are facing as in your research role?

  • Insecure contracts and a constant scramble to find new grant funding?
  • No career progression for research staff – stuck in a dead end?
  • Lack of support for researchers with visa costs and immigration hurdles?
  • Culture of overwork and pressure from PIs on junior research staff?
  • Erosion of pay and cuts to pensions?

How can we work collectively to win a better deal from the University, research funders and the government for research staff?

Come and meet Cambridge UCU researchers to discuss all these and more – open to all and non-union members especially welcome.

Thursday 24 March, 11am-12noon

On Zoom: