Motion on Solidarity with Brazilian Workers and Students

Motion on Solidarity with Brazilian workers and students
Cambridge UCU AGM – 30 Nov 2018


This branch notes:

  1. The recent election of Jair Bolsonaro, and the worrying turn towards fascism in Brazil that this represents.
  2. The alarming rise in violence in Brazil in the lead up to and during this election resulted in attacks on, and the murder of activists and LGBTQ+ people.


This branch believes:

  1. That the sharp increase in violence towards ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ people, trade unionists and activists in Brazil must be unequivocally condemned.
  2. That free speech on Brazilian University campuses and in wider Brazilian society must be defended against the threat of violent state repression.
  3. That threats and attacks on students, teachers and workers in Brazil is an attack on the international trade union movement, and must be resisted on an international basis.


This branch resolves:

  1. To develop links with our counterparts in Brazilian University and College unions, and campus activist groups, and send a message of solidarity to these from our UCU branch.
  2. To seek out opportunities in Cambridge where we can strengthen the resistance movements in Brazil on an international basis.
  3. To hold a discussion event regarding this next term to better develop strategies and actions in aid of our Brazilian comrades.

– motion carried