Welcome to Cambridge UCU

Welcome to Cambridge UCU!

UCU members are lecturers, academics, trainers, instructors, researchers, administrators, managers, computer staff, librarians and postgraduates in universities and colleges.

UCU exists to improve the working lives of its members in further and higher education. Our strength comes from you and the 120,000 (and growing) other members who have chosen to join UCU. When you join, you add your voice to ours and make us stronger, better able to win improvements and fight harder to defend your job.

>> Join here today

Support our industrial action

Across the UK, UCU members have been out on strike and are participating in a Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB) as part of the #ucuRISING dispute for the following demands:

  • No more pay cuts
  • Stop the attacks on our pensions
  • End the race and gender pay gaps
  • Stamp out casualisation – job security for all
  • Reduce our crushing workload

Funds for members taking industrial action 

Whilst UCU is not able to give assistance to all members taking industrial action, the union offers the following financial support for members at risk of serious hardship. Union members must ensure they pay subscriptions at the correct rate in order to be eligible. Two sources of funding are available to members.

  • UCU’s National Fighting Fund
  • Local Hardship Fund

Find our more about how to claim here: https://www.ucu.cam.ac.uk/cucu-hardship-fund/

We urge you to also donate to our local fund – many of our own members who can afford it are doing this to support colleagues who are lower paid, more precariously employed or in financial difficulty.

Support the Marking and Assessment Boycott

Thursday April 20 marks the start of our national mandate to undertake a Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB). The basic principle of the MAB is that members should refuse to carry out any duties relating to marking and assessment. Obviously, refusing to mark students’ work is not something that we undertake lightly – but the MAB is a powerful way for us to pressure employers to come back to the table with a serious and fair offer on pay and working conditions.

>>Find out more here