Motion on Lecture Capture

Motion on Lecture Capture for Oct 12 2018 GM
12 Oct 2018 at 13:00 – 14:00, Room 4, Mill Lane Lecture Rooms


This branch notes:

  1. That the University is pursuing plans to increase the use of lecture capture;
  2. That other universities have attempted to use lecture capture as a strike-breaking tool;
  3. That there is widespread concern among members regarding ownership of video-captured lectures;
  4. That discussion of the policies governing lecture capture has proceeded without union input;
  5. That lecture capture nonetheless has clear potential to serve students with disabilities.


This branch believes:

  1. That policies on lecture capture should be written in consultation with the union;
  2. That the contents of all lectures must remain the property of those who prepared and delivered them;


The branch resolves:

  1. To be supportive of requests for lectures to be recorded by or for students where this is required as a ‘reasonable adjustment’ in relation to a disability; 
  2. To formally request from the University that policies on lecture capture guarantee the following:
    1. That lecturer permission be obtained in writing before any lecture is recorded;
    2. That lecturers retain ownership of all rights related to the content and performance of their lectures;
    3. That the lecturer’s permission be obtained in writing before each instance of distribution of a lecture;
    4. That captured lectures be removed from student-facing media at the end of Easter term each year;
    5. That if a lecture is cancelled as a result of industrial action, no recorded lecture covering the same material, whether from any previous lecturer or any other institution, will be made available to students, either during or after the industrial action;
    6. That recorded lectures not be used in assessing staff performance;
    7. That technical support for recorded lectures and their processing (including captioning) not be the responsibility of the lecturer;
  3. To officially request of the University that the Cambridge UCU branch be consulted on lecture capture policy going forwards.

– motion carried